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Chapter 1
1.1 Scope and purpose of this publication
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Chapter 2
Motivation and international context of ocean forecasting
2.1 Introduction
2.2 International cooperation for a sustainable ocean
2.3 International cooperation to build our “common”
2.4 International cooperation to foster openness and inclusiveness
2.5 International frameworks to support OOFS development
2.6 An international community of Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems ready for the next steps
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Chapter 3
Definition of ocean forecasting systems: temporal and spatial scales solved by marine modeling systems
3.1 Operational oceanography and ocean forecasting services: definition and main purpose
3.2 Essential ocean variables covered by marine monitoring and forecasting systems
3.3 The spatial scales: downscaling for higher resolutions
3.4 The temporal scales: different applications of numerical modeling to solve ocean problems
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Chapter 4
Architecture of ocean monitoring and forecasting systems
4.1 Modelling systems architecture
4.2 Inputs required
4.3 Data Assimilation
4.4 Numerical Ocean models
4.5 Validation and Verification
4.6 Output preparation
4.7 User management and outreach
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Chapter 5
Circulation modelling
5.1 General introduction to circulation models
5.2 Circulation forecast and multi-year systems
5.3 Input data
5.4 Modelling component: general circulation models
5.5 Data assimilation systems
5.6 Ensemble modelling
5.7 Validation strategies
5.8 Outputs
5.9 Inventories
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Chapter 6
Sea Ice modelling
6.1 General introduction to sea ice models
6.2 Sea Ice forecast and multi-year systems
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Chapter 7
Storm surge modelling
7.1 General introduction to storm surge
7.2 Storm surge modelling
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Chapter 8
Wave modelling
8.1 General introduction to wave characterization
8.2 Wave forecast and multi-year systems
8.3 Input data, available sources, data handling, and model pre-processing
8.4 Modelling component: general wave generation and propagation models
8.5 Data assimilation systems
8.6 Ensemble modelling
8.7 Validation and calibration strategies
8.8 Outputs and post processing
8.9 Inventories
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Chapter 9
Biogeochemical modelling
9.1 General introduction to Biogeochemical models
9.2 Biogeochemical forecast and multi-year systems
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Chapter 10
Coupled Prediction: Integrating Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean forecasting
10.1 Introduction to coupled prediction
10.2 Coupling processes
10.3 Benefits expected from coupling
10.4 Ocean Information Services based on Coupled Frameworks
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Chapter 11
Downstream applications:From data to products
11.1 The need of downstream products
11.2 Examples of advanced downstream systems
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Chapter 12
Challenges and future perspectives in ocean prediction
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Observing system evolution with ocean prediction engagement
12.3 Numerical models planned evolutions, including adaptation to new HPC systems
12.4 Future evolutions in ocean data assimilation for operational ocean forecasting
12.5 Future of ensemble prediction systems
12.6 Opportunities of artificial intelligence for ocean forecasting systems
12.7 Seamless prediction
12.8 Operational forecasting and scenarios in a digital ocean
12.9 Quality information communication improvements
12.10 Expected future evolution of Copernicus Marine Service products and services
12.11 The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
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Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Scope and purpose of this publication
Chapter 2 Motivation and international context of ocean forecasting
2.1 Introduction
2.2 International cooperation for a sustainable ocean
2.3 International cooperation to build our “common”
2.4 International cooperation to foster openness and inclusiveness
2.5 International frameworks to support OOFS development
2.6 An international community of Operational Ocean Forecasting Systems ready for the next steps
Chapter 3 Definition of ocean forecasting systems: temporal and spatial scales solved by marine modeling systems
3.1 Operational oceanography and ocean forecasting services: definition and main purpose
3.2 Essential ocean variables covered by marine monitoring and forecasting systems
3.3 The spatial scales: downscaling for higher resolutions
3.3.1 Global monitoring and forecasting systems
3.3.2 Regional monitoring and forecasting systems
3.3.3 Coastal monitoring and forecasting systems
3.4 The temporal scales: different applications of numerical modeling to solve ocean problems
Chapter 4 Architecture of ocean monitoring and forecasting systems
4.1 Modelling systems architecture
4.1.1 Step 1 processes
4.1.2 Step 2 processes
4.1.3 Step 3 processes
4.2 Inputs required
4.2.1 Obtaining and preparing ocean data
4.2.2 Description of existing in-situ observational oceanographic data
4.2.3 Description of satellite observational oceanographic data
4.2.4 Bathymetry
4.2.5 Atmospheric forcing
4.2.6 Land forcing
4.2.7 OOFS fields as input for downscaling
4.2.8 Climatology from observations
4.3 Data Assimilation
4.4 Numerical Ocean models
4.4.1 Definition and types of models
4.4.2 Coupled models
4.5 Validation and Verification
4.5.1 Basis statistical tools for time series validation
4.5.2 Ocean forecasting standard metrics for validation and intercomparison
4.5.3 Qualification, validation and verification processes in support of operational ocean models’ production
4.6 Output preparation
4.6.1 Introduction
4.6.2 Products and datasets
4.6.3 Variables
4.6.4 Spatial resolution
4.6.5 Time resolution
4.6.6 Data format
4.6.7 Display and analysis tools
4.6.8 Output dissemination
4.7 User management and outreach
Chapter 5 Circulation modelling
5.1 General introduction to circulation models
5.1.1 Objective, applications and beneficiaries
5.1.2 Circulation Physics
5.2 Circulation forecast and multi-year systems
5.2.1 Ocean-Earth system as basis for OOFS
5.2.2 Architecture singularities
5.3 Input data
5.4 Modelling component: general circulation models
5.4.1 Mathematical model
5.4.2 Basic discretization techniques
5.4.3 List of Ocean General Circulation Models
5.4.4 Downscaling large-scale solutions to regional/coastal circulation models
5.5 Data assimilation systems
5.5.1 Basic concepts
5.5.2 Sequential methods
5.5.3 Variational methods
5.5.4 Modelling errors
5.5.5 Overview of current data assimilation systems in operational forecasting
5.6 Ensemble modelling
5.6.1 Basic concepts
5.6.2 Ocean model uncertainties
5.6.3 Towards ocean EPS
5.7 Validation strategies
5.8 Outputs
5.8.1 Variables/EOV
5.9 Inventories
5.9.1 Inventory of operational global to regional to coastal to local forecasting systems
5.9.2 Inventory of multi-year systems
Chapter 6 Sea Ice modelling
6.1 General introduction to sea ice models
6.1.1 Objective, applications and beneficiaries
6.1.2 Fundamental theoretical background
6.2 Sea Ice forecast and multi-year systems
6.2.1 Architecture singularities
6.2.2 Input data: available sources and data handling
6.2.3 Modelling component
6.2.4 Ensemble Modelling
6.2.5 Data Assimilation systems
6.2.6 Validation strategies
6.2.7 Outputs
6.2.8 Examples of operational sea ice forecasting systems
Chapter 7 Storm surge modelling
7.1 General introduction to storm surge
7.1.1 Overview of storm surge disaster
7.1.2 Basic description of storm surge phenomena
7.1.3 Physics of storm surge
7.2 Storm surge modelling
7.2.1 Architecture components and singularities
7.2.2 Input data: available sources and data handling
7.2.3 Modelling component
7.2.4 Data assimilation systems
7.2.5 Ensemble modelling
7.2.6 Validation strategies
7.2.7 Outputs
7.2.8 Existing operational storm surge forecasting systems
Chapter 8 Wave modelling
8.1 General introduction to wave characterization
8.1.1 Objective, applications, and beneficiaries
8.1.2 General characteristic of waves
8.1.3 Deep water wind-generated wave theory
8.1.4 Nearshore transformation of waves
8.2 Wave forecast and multi-year systems
8.2.1 Architecture singularities
8.3 Input data, available sources, data handling, and model pre-processing
8.3.1 Bathymetry and geometry
8.3.2 Forcing fields
8.3.3 Observations
8.3.4 Pre-processing and definition of the numerical problem
8.3.5 Boundary and initial conditions
8.4 Modelling component: general wave generation and propagation models
8.4.1 Types of models
8.4.2 Discretization methods
8.5 Data assimilation systems
8.6 Ensemble modelling
8.7 Validation and calibration strategies
8.8 Outputs and post processing
8.8.1 Post-processing of the wave model results for the final delivery
8.8.2 Common output variables
8.9 Inventories
8.9.1 Inventory of Near-real time wave forecasting systems
8.9.2 Inventory of Multi-year wave systems (reanalysis, hindcast)
Chapter 9 Biogeochemical modelling
9.1 General introduction to Biogeochemical models
9.1.1 Objective, applications and beneficiaries
9.1.2 Fundamental theoretical background
9.2 Biogeochemical forecast and multi-year systems
9.2.1 Architecture singularities
9.2.2 Input data: available sources and data handling
9.2.3 Modelling component
9.2.4 Ensemble modelling
9.2.5 Data assimilation systems
9.2.6 Validation strategies
9.2.7 Output
9.2.8 Higher trophic levels modelling
9.2.9 Inventories
Chapter 10 Coupled Prediction: Integrating Atmosphere-Wave-Ocean forecasting
10.1 Introduction to coupled prediction
10.2 Coupling processes
10.2.1 Waves and their role in air-sea exchange
10.2.2 Land/sea exchanges
10.2.3 Air-sea exchanges across sea ice
10.2.4 The importance of air-sea exchanges during storms and other extreme events
10.3 Benefits expected from coupling
10.4 Ocean Information Services based on Coupled Frameworks
10.4.1 Establishing service needs
10.4.2 Identifying the required information
Chapter 11 Downstream applications:From data to products
11.1 The need of downstream products
11.1.1 Blue Economy
11.1.2 Applications and services
11.2 Examples of advanced downstream systems
11.2.1 Sea Situational Awareness (web pages and other dissemination mechanisms)
11.2.2 Oil spill forecasting
11.2.3 Ports
11.2.4 Voyage planning
11.2.5 Fisheries and aquaculture
Chapter 12 Challenges and future perspectives in ocean prediction
12.1 Introduction
12.2 Observing system evolution with ocean prediction engagement
12.2.1 Challenges for the current ocean observing systems
12.2.2 Observing System Evaluation
12.2.3 Argo evolution plans
12.2.4 Next phase for satellite missions
12.3 Numerical models planned evolutions, including adaptation to new HPC systems
12.4 Future evolutions in ocean data assimilation for operational ocean forecasting
12.5 Future of ensemble prediction systems
12.6 Opportunities of artificial intelligence for ocean forecasting systems
12.6.1 Expected contributions of machine learning to ocean forecasting pipelines
12.6.2 Designing fully trainable ocean forecasting systems core engines
12.6.3 Towards user-centric, ocean digital twins leveraging lightweight emulators
12.7 Seamless prediction
12.7.1 Optimal use of modelling workforce and model consolidation
12.7.2 Development of seamless UOM for multiple temporal scales
12.7.3 Geographic configurations and seamless UOM in space and in a marine system of systems
12.7.4 Evolution in short-, mid- and long-term perspectives
12.8 Operational forecasting and scenarios in a digital ocean
12.8.1 Construction of an open DTO service platform
12.8.2 Underlying architecture
12.9 Quality information communication improvements
12.9.1 New observations for improved quality assessment
12.9.2 Expected development of quality assessment techniques
12.9.3 Quality assessment for intermediate and end users
12.10 Expected future evolution of Copernicus Marine Service products and services
12.11 The United Nations Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development
12.11.1 The Decade Collaborative Centre for Ocean Prediction
12.11.2 CoastPredict Program
12.11.3 ForeSea Program
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