Chapter 5

Circulation modelling


Stefania Ciliberti

Nadia Ayoub, Jérôme Chanut, Mauro Cirano13, Anne Delamarche, Pierre De Mey-Frémaux, Marie Drevillon, Yann Drillet, Helene Hewitt, Simona Masina, Clemente Tanajura, Vassilios Vervatis, and Liying Wan

5.9 Inventories

The purpose of this section is to provide an initial inventory of the operational Near Real Time (NRT) and Multi Year (MY) systems operating at international level. Details about the specific system, resolution, implemented circulation model, and data assimilation are provided in the following lists, along with the observations used for assimilation and assessment, summary of the main offered product catalogue and, where existing, the website address to directly link to systems products and other relevant information.

5.9.1 Inventory of operational global to regional to coastal to local forecasting systems

The present state-of-the-art operational systems for NRT products from global to local scale is presented in Table 5.2. This proposed inventory has been prepared in collaboration with the Coastal and Shelf Seas (COSS-TT) Working Group, one of the OceanPredict Task Teams. An evolutive list of Regional/Coastal Ocean Forecasting Systems (R/COFS) is maintained by the COSS-TT in the System Information Table (SIT) (latest version available at 🔗10). Due to the shorter lifespan and more frequent updates in coastal systems compared to global and basin-scale systems, the SIT is frequently refreshed and then please refer to the latest online version for up-to-date information. In addition to operational/NRT systems, the online SIT contains also tools (e.g. used for applications, crisis-time scenarios, etc.), research and pre-operational models, etc.

Table 5.2. Initial inventory of global (G) to regional (R) to coastal (C) to local (L) operational forecasting systems.

ScaleSystemAreaResolutionCirculation modelData used for assimilation and assessmentDownscaling
GOceanMAPS, BLUElink (Bureau of Meteorology)Global ocean0.1 degree grid spacing at the Australia regionMOM4BODAS is an ensemble optimal interpolation system used to assimilate available in-situ and satellite obs.N/ADaily T, S, SSH and UV
GCONCEPTS GIOPS (Government of Canada)Global ocean1/4° horizontal resolutionNEMOSEEK scheme, using INS, SLA, SST obs.N/ADaily 10-days forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, sea ice concentration
GECCO: Estimating the Circulation and Climate of the OceanGlobal oceanThe horizontal resolution varies spatially from 22 km to 110 kmMITgcmAssimilation of INS, SLA, SST obs.N/ADaily forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, fluxes, sea ice
GFOAM: Forecast Ocean Assimilation Model systemGlobal ocean1/4° horizontal resolutionNEMONEMOVAR (3D-Var scheme) using INS, SLA, SST obsN/ADaily mean, analysis and five-day forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, sea ice
GNAVOCEANO, the US Naval Oceanographic Office (US)Global ocean1/12° horizontal resolutionHYCOMHybrid data assimilation schemeN/ADaily forecast for ocean fields
GINCOIS, the Indian National Centre for Ocean Information ServiceGlobal oceanhorizontal resolution at 1/4° with 40 vertical sigma levelsROMSN/AN/ADaily 5 days forecast for surface UV, SST, MLD, waves and winds
GGOFS16 CMCC Global Ocean Forecasting SystemGlobal ocean1/16° horizontal resolution and 98 vertical levelsNEMOOceanVar (3D-Var scheme) using INS, SL, SST, SICE obsN/ADaily analysis and 7 days forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, sea ice
GGlobal MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (MOI, France)Global ocean1/12° horizontal resolution and 50 vertical levelsNEMOSAM2 (SEEK scheme) using INS, SLA, SST obs.N/ADaily analysis and 10 days forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, sea ice
G/RMOVE/MRI.COMJPN (MRI, Japan)Global, North Pacific, JapanDouble nested system consisting of global (GLB), North Pacific (NP) and Japan area (JPN) models Ocean model : MRI. COM with resolutions: (JPN) 1/33° x 1/50°, 60 levels; (NP) 1/11° x 1/10°, 60 levels; (GLB) 1°x1/2° (tripolar), 60 levelsMRI.COM4DVAR (applied to a reduced grid version of NP model). Assessment: Tide gauge, In-situ observations (buoy, T-S profiles), HF radars, satellite (SST, SSH, sea ice concentration), volume transport at repeated hydrographic sections.Downscaling: one/twoway nesting with IAU initializationReal time monitoring and prediction, reanalysis of: T, S, UV, SSH, sea ice concentration, tropical cyclone heat potential (TCHP)
RArctic MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (NERSC, Norway)Arctic Region12.5 km at the North PoleHYCOMEnKF assimilation scheme using INS, SLA, SST and SICE obs.N/ADaily analysis and 10 days forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, sea ice
RBaltic MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (SHMI, Sweden)Baltic Sea0.028 degrees x 0.017 degrees in horizontal and 56 levelsNEMOPDAF LESTKF univariate for SST1-way nested into NWS-MFC Copernicus Marine Service regional productDaily analysis and 6 days forecast for T, S, SSH, MLD, UV
RMediterranean Sea MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (CMCC, Italy)Mediterranean Sea1/24° in horizontal and 141 vertical levels, 2-way coupled to WW3 wave modelNEMOOceanVar (3D-Var scheme) using INS, SL, SST obs1-way nested into GLO-MFC Copernicus Marine Service (1/12°, 50 vertical levels)Analysis and 10 days forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, MLD, fluxes, sea icea,
RIrish-Biscay-Iberian shelves MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (Mercator Ocean International, France / Spain)Irish-Biscay-Iberian shelves1/36° in horizontal and 50 vertical levelsNEMOSEEK scheme, using INS, SL, SST obs.1-way nested into GLO-MFC Copernicus Marine Service (1/12°, 50 vertical levels)Analysis and 5 days forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, MLD
RNorth-West shelf MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (Met Office, UK)European North-West shelf Seas1.5 km in horizontal and 51 hybrid s-sigma terrain-following coordinates on the verticalNEMONEMOVAR (3D-Var scheme) using INS, SL, SST obs1-way nested into Met Office FOAM NATL (1/12°; 6 hourly fields) and Baltic Sea physics by Copernicus Marine Service (2 km, 1 hourly fields)Analysis and 5 days forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, MLD
RBlack Sea MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (CMCC, Italy)Black Sea1/40° in horizontal and 121 vertical levelsNEMOOceanVar (3D-Var scheme) using INS, SL, SST obs.Lateral open boundary conditions from the Unstructured Turkish Straits System (U-TSS, Ilicak et al. 2021)Analysis and 10 days forecast for T, S, SSH, UV, MLD
RHigh Resolution Data Assimilative Model for Coastal and Shelf Seas around China (Institute of Atmospheric Physics/Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)Northwest Pacific, coastal seas around China  Assessment: SST, SLA, temperature, buoys, ship cruises2-way nestingDaily averaged 3-D fields of UV, T, S 
R/CMARC: Modelling and Analyses for Coastal Research and ILICO: Coastal Ocean and Nearshore Observation Research Infrastructure (Ifremer, France)Bay of Biscay / English Channel / Northwestern Mediterranean Sea2.5 km horizontal resolution and 40 levelsMARS3DSST, HF Radar (sea state + currents), Moored buoys (T,S)Spectral nudging, oneway nesting using GLO-MFC products and 2D models for tides1 hr output in Bay of Biscay, 3 hr output in Mediterranean Sea, HF observations (20min)



R/CSOMISANA (SAEON/DFFE, South Africa)Algoa Bay, south coast, South AfricaHorizontal grid that decreases from ~3km at the edges to 500 m within the bayCROCONo DA. Assessment is based on Underwater Temperature Recorder (UTR) and ADCP data1-way nested into GLO-PHY (1/12°, 50 vertical levels)SSH, 3D T, S and UV, trajectories from hypothetical oil spills
R/CCNAPS Coupled Northwest Atlantic Prediction System (North Carolina State University, USA)Northwest Atlantic coast ocean, including the entire east coast of U.S., the Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean seasHorizontal resolution < 7 kmROMSHF Radar, buoy, ship, satellite observations1-way nesting with Mercator Ocean GLOPHY; Global HyCOM; WWIIIDaily nowcast and 3-day forecast for UV, T, S, ocean waves and atmospheric variables
R/CREMO Oceanographic Modeling and Observation Network (Brazilian Navy Hydrographic Center, Brazil)Region between latitudes 35.5°S and 7°N and longitude 20°W to the Brazilian coast2 grids, at 1/12° and 1/24° horizontal resolutions for the eastern, southeastern and southern regionsHYCOMThe system assimilates vertical profiles of temperature (T) and salinity (S) from the ARGO system, XBTs, CTDs, Sea Level Anomaly, SST; assessment using AVISO SL, SST, INSTPXO 7.1 for tides; one-way nesting from the 1/12° resolution to the 1/24° resolution grid4-day forecasts (T, UV and SSH) at 6-hour intervals updated daily on 2 different grids
R/CDREAMS: Data assimilation Research of the East Asian Marine System (RIAM, Kyushu University, Japan)Northwestern Pacific with focus on marginal seasDREAMS_marginal seas model at ~7.4km horizontal resolution. Coastal models at ~1.5km along the Japan Sea coast nested in DREAMS_ marginal seas modelRIAMAssessment: Volume transport through the Tsushima Strait, U, V and T measurements by fishing vesselsOBC from climatological runT, S, U, V, sea level, mixed layer depth, density
R to LBSH Operational Model System (BSH, Germany)North and Baltic Sea, German coastal watersHorizontal resolution is 3 km for the North and Baltic Sea, 0.5 km for German coastal watersHBMAssimilation with PDAF scheme using AVHRR SST/ Sentinel-3 SST and validation using Copernicus Marine Service data2-way nesting among regional and coastal models120-hour forecast from 0 and 12 UTC and a 78-hour forecast from 6 and 18 UTC; water level, T, S, UV, ice products and biogeochemical variables
R to LCOSYNANorth Sea, German Bight, German Wadden Sea3 nested models: i) North Sea Baltic Sea model (5 km), ii) German Bight model (1 km, varying unstructured-grid, 1km), iii) Estuarine model (varying unstructured-grid, 20-200 m)GETMAssessment with independent ADCP observations, FerryBox data, dedicated profile measurements, intercomparison with products from other operational systemsMyOcean ECOOP, OSTIA, MERIS color data Downscaling using 3 different gridsSurface UV, T, S, suspended matter, wind wave characteristics in the German Bight
CPCOMS: Portuguese Coastal Operational Modelling System (MARETEC, Portugal)Western Iberia region and subregions5.6 km in horizontal and 50 vertical layersMOHID 3DN/A1-way nesting into Mercator-Ocean PSY2V4 in the North Atlantic; tidal levels computed by a 2D version of MOHID, forced by FES2004, running on a wider region. Climatological profiles from WOA09 for nutrients.Hindcasts and 3-day forecasts of SSH and 3D UV, T, S and biogeochemical model
CSANIFS (CMCC, Italy)Southern Adriatic Northern Ionian coastal Forecasting SystemHorizontal resolution from 3 km in open-sea to 100-20 m in coastal areasSHYFEMNo DA. Assessment using available observations from Copernicus Marine Service, EMODnet and national observing network1-way nesting using the Copernicus Marine Service Mediterranean MFC regional forecast products (at 1/24°)Short term forecast (3 days) of SSH, 3D UV, T, S
C/LSAMOA (Puertos del Estado, Spain)Regional areas at ~ 2 km resolution; model applications consist of 2 nested regular grids with spatial resolution of ~350 m and ~70 m for the coastal and harbour domainsRegional areas at ~ 2 km resolution; model applications consist of 2 nested regular grids with spatial resolution of ~350 m and ~70 m for the coastal and harbour domainsROMSNo DA. Assessment using in-situ obs. from mooring buoys, ADCPs, tide gauges and drifter buoys; SST satellite data and surface currents from HF radar1-way nesting using the IBI-MFC Regional Forecast products (at 1/36°)Daily operational short-term (+72h) metocean forecast ;
C/LNYHOPS: New York Harbor Observation and Prediction System (Jupiter Intelligence, USA)New York and East Coast of US7.5 km at the open ocean boundary to less than 50 mPOMN/AOffshore boundary tides, surges, waves. Real time data from Ntl Ocean Service, Adv. Hydrologic Prediction Service, Ntl. Climatic Data Center.72 hr forecasts, nowcasts, 24 hr hindcasts initiated every 6 hrs; Variables: SSH, T, S, UV, winds, coastal waves - height, period and direction, biogeochemical variables
C/LSWITCH – Georgia Coasts (CMCC / GeorgiaTech, Italy / USA)Georgia coast, US1km in open ocean to 100m in coastal areas to 10m in the riversSHYFEMNo DA, assessment is based on tide gauges at coast and along rivers1-way nested into GLO-PHY (1/12°, 50 vertical levels)3-days forecast for SSH, 3D UV, T, S
LTagus Mouth operational model (MARETEC / IST, Portugal)Tagus Estuary and Mouth regionVariable horizontal resolution, ranging from 2 km off the coast up to 400 m inside the estuary, 50 layers in the verticalMOHID 3DNo DA. Assessment: Argo and buoys data from IBI-ROOS and the Portuguese hydrographic institute, satellite images (ODYSSEA, Ocean Colour and HF radar)1-way nesting using the PCOMSHindcasts and 3-day forecasts of SSH and 3D UV, T, S and biogeochemical model

5.9.2 Inventory of multi-year systems

Starting from the list in Balmaseda et al. 2015, an initial inventory of state-of-the-art MY systems has been prepared (Table 5.3). As in Table 5.2, for each system is provided scale (from global to regional), resolution, models, and providers, as well as relevant links to web pages that the reader may consult for further details.

Table 5.3. Initial inventory of global (G) to regional (R) to coastal (C) to local (L) multi-year systems.

ScaleSystemAreaResolutionCirculation modelData used for assimilation and assessmentDownscaling  
GCFSR by the Climate Prediction CenterGlobal Ocean~ 38 km horizontal resolution and 64 vertical levelsMOM43D-Var scheme for the assimilation of SST, INS, SICE obs.N/A1979-2010
GC-GLORS by the Euro-Mediterranean Center on Climate Change FoundationGlobal Ocean1/4° horizontal resolution and 50 to 75 levelsNEMOOceanVar (3D-Var scheme) using INS, SLA, SST and SICE obs.N/A1990-2016
GECCO by JPL-NASAGlobal OceanThe horizontal resolution varies spatially from 22 km to 110 kmMitGCM4D-Var scheme for the assimilation of SLA, SST and INS obs.N/A1992-2017
GGECCO by University of HamburgGlobal Ocean MitGCM4D-Var scheme for the assimilation of SLA, SST and INS obsN/A1948-2018
GECDA by the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics LaboratoryGlobal Ocean1° horizontal resolution and 50 vertical levelsMOM4EnKF scheme using INS, SST and SLA obs.N/AIntegration for the 20th Century
GGloSea5 (UK MetOffice, UK)Global Ocean1/4° horizontal resolution and 75 levelsNEMO3D-Var scheme using SLA, SST, INS and SICE obs.N/A1993-2015
GK7-ODA (Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology)Global Ocean1° horizontal resolution and 45 levelsMOM34D-Var adjont method for the assimilation of INS, SLA, SST obs.N/A1957-2009
GPEODAS (Centre for Australian Weather and Climate Research - Bureau of Meteorology)Global Ocean1° x 2° horizontal resolutionMOM2EnKF for the assimilation of INS and SST obs.N/A2000-2010
GORAS5 (ECMWF, UK)Global Ocean1° horizontal resolutionNEMO3D-Var scheme using SLA, INS and SST obs.N/A1979-present
GMOVE-C RA (Japan Meteorological AgencyGlobal Ocean1° horizontal resolutionMRI.COM23D-Var scheme using SLA, INS and SST obs.N/A1950-2011
GSODA (National Center for Atmospheric Research Staff, US)Global Ocean1/4° horizontal resolutionPOP2.1OI for INS and SST obs.N/A1869-2010
GGlobal Ocean MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (MOI, France)Global Ocean1/12° horizontal resolution, 50 vertical levelsNEMOReduced-order Kalman filter for assimilating SLA, SST, INS and SICE obs.N/A1993-2019
RArctic MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (NERSC, Norway)Arctic Region12.5 km horizontal resolution and 12 levelsHYCOM1993-2019N/A1991-2019
RBaltic MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (SHMI, Sweden)Baltic Sea0.05556 degrees x 0.03333 degrees horizontal resolution and 56 vertical levelsNEMOLSEIK data assimilation schemeAt the lateral boundaries in the western English Channel and along the Scotland-Norway boundary, the sea levels are prescribed using a coarse (24 nautical miles resolution) storm-surge model called NOAMOD (North Atlantic Model). Climatological monthly mean values of salinity and temperature are used at the boundary, and it is assumed there is no sea ice1993-2019
RNorth-West shelf MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (Met Office, UK)North West Shelf Seas7 km horizontal resolution and 24 vertical levelsNEMONEMOVAR (3D-Var scheme) using SST and INS obs.1-way nested into the Global Ocean MFC and Baltic MFC reanalysis products1993-2019
RIrish-Biscay-Iberian shelves MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (Puertos del Estado, Spain)Irish-Biscay-Iberian shelves1/12° horizontal resolutionNEMOSEEK scheme, using INS, SL, SST obs.1-way nested into the Global Ocean MFC reanalysis product at 1/4° horizontal resolution1993-2019
RMediterranean Sea MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (CMCC, Italy)Mediterranean Sea1/24° in horizontal and 141 vertical levelsNEMOOceanVar (3D-Var scheme) using INS, SLA, SST obs.1-way nested into C-GLORS1993-2019
RBlack Sea MFC by Copernicus Marine Service (CMCC, Italy)Black Sea3 km horizontal resolution and 31 vertical levelsNEMOOceanVar (3D-Var scheme) using INS, SLA, SST obs.N/A1993-2019


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