Chapter 6

Sea Ice modelling


Laurent Bertino

Ed Blockley, Johnny A. Johannessen, and Einar Örn Ólason

6.1 General introduction to sea ice models

6.1.1 Objective, applications and beneficiaries

The main objective of an operational sea ice forecasting system is to provide users with a reliable estimate of the state of the ice cover and its temporal evolution. To meet this purpose, the system needs to be coupled to, or use data from, ocean and atmosphere forecasting systems. Some form of data assimilation is also required to counteract errors due to the chaotic nature of the atmosphere-ocean-ice system. Users of sea ice forecasting systems are either stakeholders operating in the Arctic or downstream service providers who use the information as an input to their own services. With a changing climate and a warming Arctic, the number of stakeholders interested in operating in that region is growing.

The Arctic is getting warmer with temperatures rising at approximately twice the rate of the global average (Overland et al., 2016) but also more attractive for business as its natural resources are becoming available for exploitation and transport for the first time in our history. These include about 13% of the world’s oil and gas resources as estimated by the United States Geological Survey (Gautier et al., 2009), gold and other metals, and 5.5% of the freshwater resources stored on Greenland (Kundzewicz et al., 2007). Changing environmental conditions are modifying ecosystems in diverse ways. In the Barents Sea, the cod are thriving thanks to warming conditions (Kjesbu et al., 2014). A migration behaviour of boreal generalist fishes to cooler waters is also observed in the Bering Sea (Mueter and Litzow, 2008). These changes have implications for fisheries management and more generally for the Arctic ecosystem. Cruise tourism in the Arctic is also developing fast since operators can offer comfortable icebreaker cruises all the way to the North Pole.

The NSR along the Russian coast of the Arctic, which was heavily used by the Soviet Union until the 1990’s, could again become an attractive alternative to reach East Asia from Western Europe. The route is indeed shorter than the one crossing Suez Passage (17000 km instead of 22000 km for a Rotterdam-Shanghai voyage) and would save fuel. However, in case of accidents, cargo and fuel would pose serious threats for the Arctic environment. Coastguards and navies of the Arctic nations must then be prepared for assisting vessels, performing search and rescue operations, and remediating oil spills in ice-infested waters, with frequently poor communication capabilities that may hinder access to new information.

The oil and gas exploration and production need sea ice forecasting both on local scales, to simulate individual ice floes on the theatre of their operations, and on large scales, to predict the time of the freeze up and break-up of the ice. It is expected that the exploration and production activities will be more active in relatively mild ice conditions than in severe ice conditions, which means that forecasts will have higher value for the MIZ than for the ice pack. The MIZ, defined as the ice-covered region under the influence of surface waves from the open ocean, is particularly in need of forecasts to prevent risks such as ice floe’s projections under the action of waves.

Figure 6.1. Pack ice showing a pressure ridge on the left; Marginal Ice Zone with ice floes on the right. (Photos: E. Storheim, INTAROS/NERSC).

There are fewer stakeholder interests in the Southern Ocean, due to the reduced commercial activities in that region. However, ice-ocean predictions can provide information for tourism or scientific operations in the region, including access to Antarctic research stations and support for scientific research vessels. The complex rescue of a joint tourist-research vessel stuck within the Antarctic sea ice in December 2013 (A. Luck-Baker, BBC News, 21 January 2014, 🔗1 ), requiring assistance from two icebreakers and a helicopter, highlighted the need for reliable predictions even in such a remote region. On longer timescales, changing sea ice conditions have implications for ice-dependent wildlife in the region, such as emperor penguins (e.g., Jenouvrier et al., 2012), which raises associated wildlife management concerns. 

The shipping industry is primarily concerned with very detailed ice concentration, thickness and compression (and marginally snow depths, because deep snow can also impede the progression of an icebreaker). On the other hand, in the aftermath of oil spills in ice-infested waters, search and rescue operations and forecasting are both dependent on ice motion and their diffusive properties that increase the search radius with time. The question of spatial and temporal resolution is especially critical for the latter case because of the strong scale-dependence of sea ice deformation rates (Rampal et al., 2008). In addition, the diffusion is higher in the chaotic MIZ than in the ice pack (Figure 6.1). The oil industry would ultimately need a detailed forecast of the position of each ice floe surrounding their operations for the day-to-day management of their activities, which can be only delivered by discrete-element models (Herman 2015, Rabatel et al., 2015). How to nest discrete-element models into the continuum sea ice models, considered in this chapter, remains an open question.

6.1.2 Fundamental theoretical background

The physical processes simulated by sea ice models are commonly split into two: vertical processes, related to thermodynamic growth and melt, and mechanical and dynamical processes giving rise to horizontal movement of ice (Figure 6.2).

Figure 6.2. A CICE Consortium graphic of sea-ice physics illustrates the complexity and breadth of variables at play - source:

The thermodynamic growth and melt of ice can be thought of as the result of the diffusion of heat between ocean and atmosphere, through the ice. Additional complications arise primarily due to the presence of salt or brine pockets in the ice, and the presence of snow. The brine pockets affect the heat conductivity and heat capacity of the ice, while both heat conductivity and heat capacity of the snow, as well as its density, are affected by the state and type of snow, as well as snow metamorphosis.

The basics of thermodynamic modelling of sea ice have been well established since the early 70s (Maykut and Untersteiner, 1971), with the notable improvement in theoretical understanding brought by the application of mushy-layer theory to sea ice (Feltham et al., 2006), and substantial work relating to the dynamics of brine drainage and the multi-phase nature of sea ice (Vancoppenolle et al., 2007; Notz and Worster, 2009; Griewank and Notz, 2013). In terms of model development though, progress has been made in improving numerical performance and in technical aspects, such as conservation of heat, energy, and enthalpy (e.g., Semtner, 1976; Bitz and Libscomb, 1999; Winton, 2000; Huwald et al., 2005). Recently, the more advanced multiphase physics have also found its way into large-scale sea-ice models (Turner et al., 2013; Turner and Hunke, 2015).

The fundamentals of ice dynamics modelling are less firmly rooted in basic theoretical understanding. While most of the terms of the momentum equation are well understood and follow the basic formulation of the Navier-Stokes equation on a rotating sphere, the formulation of internal stresses is less certain. These describe the response of the ice to external forcing and are, as such, at the heart of sea ice dynamical modelling.

Sea ice is a solid material and, as such, can only move once fractured or broken. In most sea ice models this is taken into account by assuming a rate-independent (von Mises) plasticity. This approach was originally proposed by Coon et al. (1974) but reshaped into a more computationally tractable form in the viscous-plastic model proposed by Hibler (1979), in which the ice is assumed to deform in a linear-viscous manner until it reaches a plastic threshold, representing the fracturing or breaking of the ice. The fracturing process is, as such, simulated explicitly at the grid scale.

However, the process of ice fracturing has been shown to be the result of the propagation of fracturing events from small spatial scales to large ones (Weiss and Marsan, 2004). This results in fractal characteristics of the deformation rates (e.g., Marsan et al., 2004; Rampal et al., 2008; Stern and Lindsay, 2009¸ Schulson and Hibler, 2017). It means that a sea ice model hoping to correctly capture the deformation of the ice must account for this propagation of fracturing events from small to large scales. As the propagation starts at very small spatial and temporal scales (Oikkonen et al., 2017), a geophysical scale model must account for this through a sub-grid scale parameterisation.

The role and importance of fracture dynamics is still a hotly debated subject within the sea ice modelling community. The fractal nature of sea ice deformation is generally accepted and the scaling of deformation rates is recognised as a potential tool and metric for model evaluation and improvement (Rampal et al., 2016; Spreen et al., 2017; Hutter et al., 2018; Rampal et al., 2019; Bouchat et al., 2021). At the same time, it is still unresolved the question of whether to explicitly simulate the fracturing process at a very high resolution (Hutter et al., 2019) or to use a sub-grid scale parameterisation of the fracturing process at a more modest resolution (Dansereau et al., 2016; Rampal et al., 2016).


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