Chapter 11

Downstream applications:From data to products


Giovani Coppini

Enrique Alvarez Fanjul, Laurence Crosnier, Tomasz Dabrowski, Pierre Daniel, José Chambel Leitão, Svitlana Liubartseva, Gianandrea Mannarini, and Glen Nolan

11.1 The need of downstream products

11.1.1 Blue Economy

The importance of the ocean for global society and economy is represented in the context and framework of the Blue Economy and is also very relevant for the Sustainable Development Goal 14 (SDG14): Life Below Water🔗1 . The ocean is the single largest natural asset on the planet, contains 97% of all the water on Earth and about 99% of the habitable space on this planet, and delivers numerous benefits to humanity. The ocean is responsible for the oxygen in every other breath we take. It supplies 15% of humanity’s protein needs. It helps to slow climate change by absorbing 30% of carbon dioxide emissions and 90% of the excess heat trapped by greenhouse gases. It serves as the highway for some 90% of internationally traded goods, via the shipping sector. If the ocean were a country, with several trillion dollars per year of economic activity it would rank 7th on the list of largest nations by GDP. The ocean is also the source of hundreds of millions of jobs, in sectors such as fisheries, aquaculture, shipping, tourism, energy production, etc. It is also the source of about 30% of the world’s oil and gas resources but this percentage will change if the necessary transition to a low carbon development pathway will succeed. Millions of the world’s poorest people depend heavily on the ocean and coastal resources for their subsistence and livelihoods. Small-scale fisheries catch about half of the world’s seafood but engage 44 times as many jobs per ton of fish as industrial fisheries do.

According to the Water and Ocean Governance Programme of UNDP 🔗2 , the Blue Economy is a sustainable ocean economic paradigm and is the natural next step in the overall conceptualization and realisation of sustainable human development. On the other hand, there is the important aspect related to the impact that the Blue Economy might have on the ocean. The European Commission stated 🔗3 that all blue economy sectors, including fisheries, aquaculture, coastal tourism, maritime transport, port activities and shipbuilding, will have to reduce their environmental and climate impact. Tackling the climate and biodiversity crises requires healthy seas and a sustainable use of their resources, as well as creating alternatives to fossil fuels and traditional food production.

Transitioning to a sustainable Blue Economy requires investing in innovative technologies. Wave and tidal energy, algae production, fisheries management, restoration of marine ecosystems, etc., will create new green jobs and businesses in the Blue Economy.

Downstream services provided by the operational oceanography community should be able to facilitate and support this transition towards a more sustainable Blue Economy worldwide.

11.1.2 Applications and services

Operational oceanography is available nowadays to many users through solutions (services and products) dealing with several SDGs, and societal and scientific challenges. Oceanographic products from global to regional scale are produced by national and international forecasting centres. They are then downscaled to sub-regional scales, transformed, and provided to users, private companies, public users, stakeholders, and citizens through an ocean products value chain that includes development of specific solutions, advanced visualisation, usage of multi-channel technological platforms, specific models, and algorithms. Figure 2.1 in Chapter 2 shows a representation of ocean value chain: forecasting centres manages Marine Core Service, which produces Information (e.g. forecast products) that are delivered to Intermediate Users through ad hoc Interfaces managed by the Central Information System. Then, such information is elaborated by Developers and transformed for Multiple Downstream Services that use customised end user information to deliver new information to End Users.

Important steps forwards have been carried out in order to facilitate the dialogue among service providers and users to identify requirements and needs, and to co-develop and test the applications and solutions. Collaborative frameworks like the Copernicus Users Uptake programme, the international initiative Geo Blue Planet, the GOOS Regional Alliances downstream effort, the IOC and WMO working groups, etc., are in support of the Blue Economy’s growth.

The private sector has been playing an important role in the development of operational systems, providing operational services in areas that in the past were covered only by public institutions. Some businesses are impacted every day by oceanographic conditions, and sometimes disrupted by extreme events. Accurate and reliable oceanographic and meteorological predictions may increase business productivity, if appropriate standards of safety are adopted.

The public sector mostly focuses on protecting lives and property. Often this is not enough to protect economic operations at sea, in which monitoring and forecast information is needed on a regular basis and representing local scale processes. Downstream applications play a key role addressing (and adjusting to) end users’ needs, while simultaneously justifying global scale modelling and monitoring investments done by the public sector in the past.

Most of the developments in downstream applications have been driven by international grants and individual countries. In some areas, end users’ willingness to pay for such applications is very low. There is a need to improve the applications but also to promote and disseminate information on existing applications. The main reason is that a reasonable cost/benefit relationship for businesses must be achieved to have a market driven demand for downstream operational services.

It is therefore of paramount importance to show how research and technological development in the different application fields (e.g. advanced visualisation, usage of multi-channels technological platforms, and development of specific models and algorithms) have advanced in recent years, and that more accurate and user friendly applications are available for users.

International standards have been developed and should be further consolidated to support interoperability and a common formatting of ocean application products and services, as well as quality assessment. Downstream applications are an essential component contributing to ocean literacy through the dissemination to the public of operational oceanography knowledge. Economic sustainability and market exploitation of downstream application is a key aspect to fill the gap towards a fully sustainable development of operational oceanography added value services and products.

It is also of fundamental importance to improve the dialogue among producers and users to identify requirements, as well as co-developing and testing the applications. Engaging end users in the analysis and evaluation process is critical in order to tailor downstream products in the best way.

An effort for gathering and promoting applications by worldwide producers should include different sectors, such as: a) Fishery and aquaculture; b) Tourism and sports activities; c) ICZM and MSP; d) Transport and harbour services; e) Marine digital services; f) Technologies for maritime safety; g) Climate change and anthropogenic impacts on marine environment; and h) Energy from the sea.

To achieve this goal, producers are asked to manage and promote the adoption of an international standard to support interoperability and a common formatting of ocean application products and services, as well as quality assessment. It is fundamental to promote market development of downstream applications as well as liaise with and gather input from the other international and national initiatives (e.g., EuroGOOS, Geo Blue Planet, IOC, WMO).

With a view to the Ocean Decade implementation, in this chapter will be discussed key challenges, best practices, relevant examples of applications, as well as the present advanced capabilities and future challenges in the following applications fields: 1) Sea Situational Awareness (web pages and other dissemination mechanisms); 2) Oil spill observing and forecasting; 3) Ports; 4) Voyage planning; and 5) Fisheries and aquaculture.


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