Chapter 4

Architecture of ocean monitoring and forecasting systems


Avichal Mehra

Roland Aznar, Stefania Ciliberti, Laurence Crosnier, Marie Drevillon, Yann Drillet, Begoña Pérez Gómez, Antonio Reppucci, Joseph Sudheer, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Marina Tonani, P. N. Vinaychandranand, and Aihong Zhong

4.4 Numerical Ocean models

4.4.1 Definition and types of models

Ocean numerical models are the very core of the OOFS (see Figure 4.1). A numerical ocean model is a computational tool used to understand and predict oceanic variables (Griffies, 2006). A set of equations governing the dynamics and thermodynamics of the ocean are solved numerically to obtain a three dimensional dataset of simulated variables, which typically consist of EOV such as wave fields, velocity components, temperature, salinity and sea level, at any instant of time.

Depending on the problem and variables to be treated, different numerical models are employed:

  • Temperature, salinity and currents fields are solved by means of ocean circulation models (see also Chapter 5);
  • Ice models (see also Chapter 6);
  • Sea level uses ocean circulation models, although typically are running under simplified equations (see also Chapter 7);
  • Growth, propagation and decay of waves due to winds are calculated by wave models (see also Chapter 8). The rate of change of the wave spectrum is governed by transfer of energy from wind, wave-wave interaction and dissipation. Interaction with ocean bottom is critical at high resolution coastal processes; different models, with different physics, are available to solve this scale (mild-slope, Boussinesq, etc.);
  • Biogeochemical processes in the ocean can be represented by biogeochemical models (see also Chapter 9), using coupled differential equations. Examples of such processes include cycles of carbon, nitrogen, iron, etc. Additional equations are used for time evolution of phytoplankton, zooplankton, etc., at varying levels of complexity. The chemistry and ecosystem equations are combined with the physical OGCM for the time-dependent estimation of variables.

4.4.2 Coupled models

Various dynamical components of the Earth system, such as NWP systems, OOFS, Sea Ice forecast systems, wave forecast systems, Land/Hydrological forecast systems, etc., can be coupled together (see also Chapter 10). The coupling is facilitated by using a common framework - like the ESMF - which allows the various dynamical components to exchange forcing data with other components. Couplers are then designed to provide appropriate output/input information on model grids at every time step, as required. This provides a much more “tight” exchange of forcing data, which otherwise would be prohibitively expensive to provide using traditional file I/O. Different couplers allow for data exchange at different time scales. For example, atmosphere and sea ice can be coupled at smaller time intervals while ocean and sea-ice exchange information at much slower time intervals in the same coupled environment.

A significant application of such “tight” coupling is for wind-waves. Feedback from wave models in terms of radiation stress can be used to modify drag coefficients for calculating wind stresses. These can be particularly useful for complex seas driven by hurricanes.


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Chapter 4

Architecture of ocean monitoring and forecasting systems

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