Chapter 4

Architecture of ocean monitoring and forecasting systems


Avichal Mehra

Roland Aznar, Stefania Ciliberti, Laurence Crosnier, Marie Drevillon, Yann Drillet, Begoña Pérez Gómez, Antonio Reppucci, Joseph Sudheer, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Marina Tonani, P. N. Vinaychandranand, and Aihong Zhong

4.7 User management and outreach

A marine service is the provision of marine information to assist decision making. The service must respond to user needs, must be based on scientifically credible information and expertise, and requires appropriate engagement between users and providers. It should be an integrated service gathering all ocean products into a single catalogue sustained on the long term.

The first mandatory step is to define the service to be provided and answer the following questions:

  • What is the target audience of the service? It can include one or all the following users: national/local public environmental agencies, scientists and academia, citizens, private companies, etc.
  • Which data policy is applied to the service? It can be an open service (open to all users with or without registration) or a restricted access service. It can also be a free of charge or a paid service.
  • Which operational commitments and service level agreement are available to users? To engage through a transparent and trust relationship with users, service commitments should be made publicly available.

Depending on the answers to the 3 above questions, the service will develop a patchwork of the following assets:

  • Communication assets (both on and offline), ocean literacy tools, and societal awareness can for example include the activities below. These are designed to deliver the operational oceanography service expertise to a wider audience through the translation from scientific language and findings for different target audiences, and to distribute the tools to drive uptake.
    • Digital website, digital tools, social media (Twitter, Linkedin, Youtube, etc.);
    • Editorial (News, Events web section, etc.) and press relations (Newsletters, etc.);
    • Ocean Literacy and Outreach activities (outreach events, partner initiatives, museum exhibitions, etc.).
  • An ocean data portal including the catalogue of ocean products should be made available online to download and visualise marine data.
    • A searchable online catalogue of products should be made available including product metadata description and search parameters such as: free text, geographical areas, marine parameters, models or observations (satellite or in situ), resolution (spatial and temporal), coverage (spatial and temporal), up- date frequency, etc. It should also allow the user to download the selected data product (with or without registration, and with or without charges, depending on the definition of the service). The online catalogue should be compliant with the highest standards of usability and interoperability.
    • Another major asset includes viewing tools to visually explore the different ocean products. Such tools can include the ability to create 2D maps, cross sections, select regions, and generate graphs with selected variables. Layering and superimposing layers with different opacities can be made possible allowing users to compare multiple datasets. In addition, the selected maps and time frames can be exported as videos, images or embedded elsewhere.
    • Such ocean data portal encompasses product management activities to carefully and closely manage the product portfolio and each product life cycle. Product management allows to carefully track all product changes impacting users along with product metadata updates and homogenisation, which in turn need to be carefully communicated to the users.
  • The user support desk is the point of contact for all questions and comments from users and its objective is to optimise user experience throughout the service. Various means can be used to initiate or conduct exchanges with users (e.g. chat box, e-mail address, online forms, phone, video-conferencing, etc.). The user support desk is also responsible for  informing users of operational issues on products and services, such as incidents, maintenance, and improvements. In addition, it also provides an internal link between users and scientific and technical experts. Finally, it is also very involved in the training activity described below and participates in all such events. A client-oriented approach for specific users can be developed if needed for specific major accounts.
  • User learning services or training activities allow to strengthen user uptake: its objective is to train, answer questions, facilitate user experience, share knowledge, and collect requirements. Training workshops are designed to train existing, new or beginner users. The target audience needs to be clearly defined and the training resources need to be developed accordingly. For example, participants can learn about products and services and their possible applications across a wide range of subjects during plenary and practical training sessions. Participants should be enabled to share their experiences as well as express their needs and requirements for future new products to be included in the portfolio. Finally, tutorial videos and jupyter notebooks (i.e. open-source web application that allows experts to create practical exercises and share codes) can be shared with participants to help them for their own code programming and understanding of how to use products.
  • A service monitoring activity: the service should be monitored through key performance indicators (KPIs), reported quarterly and annually. Such KPIs assess the service reliability against operational commitments and service level agreement (timeliness, robustness, etc.). The service monitoring activity encompasses many KPIs to steer the service and its uptake, and for example provides figures about the product portfolio evolution, variation in the number of subscribers and their detailed characteristics, as well as monitoring of the service availability and product timeliness.
  • User feedback and user satisfaction should be measured, monitored, analysed, and injected back into the service through the implementation of new or updated products and services to better fit user’s demand.
  • User engagement and market expansion activities can be developed to foster uptake of marine products, develop market intelligence, and seek novel opportunities for data use in new communities. Such activities include targeting developing blue markets, explaining the marine offer to new audiences, showcasing the use of data through use cases, launching marketing campaigns, organising or participating in events advocating the marine services and liaising with new partners and communities.


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Chapter 4

Architecture of ocean monitoring and forecasting systems

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