Operational Ocean Forecasting System Halls

ARSO Forecasting System

ARSO Forecasting System
Mediterranean and Black Seas


Matjaz Licer


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ARSO_OOFS_doc01.pdf 734.27 KB
ARSO_OOFS_doc02.pdf 598.32 KB
ARSO_OOFS_doc03.pdf 729.55 KB
ARSO_OOFS_doc04.pdf 1.37 MB

Operational ocean modeling at Slovenian Environment Agency is an Adriatic basin regional forecasting system which provides daily predictions of surface waves, circulation and sea level in the Adriatic. 

These fields further provide necessary inputs for on-demand Lagrangian tracking in case of SAR operations, pollutant dispersion or other marine emergencies. These operational products are available to regional response agencies, civil rescue and marine authorities to be used as a part of their decision support pipeline.