

10 search results.

Technical conversations

Greetings and welcome to the Ensemble and Coupling Techniques for Ocean Forecasting category! Dive into the world of ensemble modeling and coupling methods that enrich our understanding of ocean dynamics.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Decade actions

Welcome to Ocean Practices, a category dedicated to sharing and discussing best practices aligned with UN Ocean Decade Actions! Dive into conversations about sustainable practices, conservation efforts, and community-driven initiatives that contribute to a healthier ocean.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Decade actions

Greetings and welcome to the Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability category, a forum fo this UN Ocean Decade Action! Here, we focus on the critical research and initiatives addressing the challenges of ocean acidification.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Decade actions

Welcome to OARS, where the focus is on Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snowpack interactions in support of UN Ocean Decade Actions. Dive into discussions about the complex dynamics at play in these interconnected systems.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Decade actions

Welcome to the forum for NASA Sea Level Change Team action, a important contributor to UN Ocean Decade! Here, we delve into the groundbreaking research and initiatives led by NASA's Sea Level Change Team.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Decade actions

Welcome to the forum related to CoastPredict UN Ocean Decade Actions. This category focuses on the cutting-edge advancements and initiatives in coastal prediction and management.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Regional Forums

Welcome to our Section for the Global Regional Team! These dedicated spaces are designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by different ocean regions worldwide.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Decade actions

Welcome to GEMS-ocean forum section at OceanPrediction DCC! Endorsed by OceanPrediction DCC, GEMS- brings together visionaries and experts to discuss and innovate ocean monitoring techniques, methodologies, and applications.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Decade actions

Greetings and welcome to DITTO forum section at OceanPrediction DCC! As a decade program endorsed by OceanPrediction DCC, Ditto is your destination for amplifying the impact of ocean data through Digital Twins.

Barbara Crepet
Programme manager

0 answers
Decade actions

Welcome to the Foresea section of our forum! This is your gateway to the forefront of ocean forecasting advancements.

Barbara Crepet
Programme manager

0 answers

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