Regional Team: African Seas


Building local, thinking global

A regional team for Africa

The African Seas Regional Team is the Oceanprediction DCC regional node for the mentioned region. The Regional Teams are the organizational backbone of OceanPrediction DCC community, and they are formed by individuals and organizations with very diverse background and interests: scientists and users, experts and interested persons, private and public sector, etc... 

The regional team will promote Operational Ocean Forecasting Services as a key tool for Blue Economy and ocean policy. It is also supporting the coordination and the cooperation of ocean forecasting-related Decade actions in the area, and it is advocating for the regional implementation of Best Practices, Standards and Tools derived from OceanPrediction technical activity. The Regional Team is active in the design and organization of regional events for capacity building, ocean literacy and other purposes, such as courses, workshops, hackathons, etc.

Working together with the regional teams in other regions, it will form a worldwide network to achieve all the above-mentioned objectives, ensuring that regional singularities are considered during the process.

Leading the Team


Professor Kouadio Affian has been Vice-President of the University Felix Houphouet-Boigny (Côte d’Ivoire) in charge of training and research since 2012. Before that, he was Director of the Remote Sensing Center for Applied Research as well as Director of postgraduate African school of Remote Sensing (1999-2010) at the University of Cocody, before becoming Dean of the school of Earth Sciences (2010-2012). Prof. Affian has served on numerous national bodies and committees; at international level, he has regularly taken part in UNESCO and IOC/UNESCO bodies since 2005 – most recently, he was named Chair of IOCAFRICA in 2021. He has more than 80 publications to his credit, focusing among others on the development of integrated coastal zone management, coastal erosion, sea surface temperature, sea color, bathymetry and environment studies based on remote sensing and GIS. Prof. Affian has degrees in marine biology and remote sensing applied to oceanography.

Leading the Team


Karim Hilmi
Head of the Oceanography Department and Research Director, National Institute of Fisheries Research
Siva Reddy
Researcher, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Jennifer Veitch
Numerical Modeller, South African Environmental Observation Network

Providing a vision of the different African regions

Regional leaders

Pr. Kouadio Affian
(Ivory Coast - Chair of IOC Africa) for the Gulf of Guinea LME
Pr. Amr Hammouda
(Egypt -President of NIOF) for the Mediterranean Sea Region
Dr. Karim Hilmi
(Morocco- Vice Chair of IOC/UNESCO) as a focal point for the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem
Pr. Antonio Mubango Hoguane
(Mozambique- Director General of the Institute of Oceanography) for the Eastern Part of Africa
Dr. Sivareddy Sanikommu
(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology - Red Sea Modeling and Prediction Group) for the Red Sea
Dr. Jennifer Veitch
(South Africa- SAEON) for Benguela LME & Agulhas current

Organizing the activities and ensuring the connection between the different components of OceanPrediction DCC

Steering team

Tamaryn Morris
Ocean Observing | Senior Marine Scientist, South African Weather Service
Fialho Nehama
Ocean Observing | Lecturer, Eduardo Mondlane University, Mozambique
Ibrahim Hoteit
Ocean forecasting: physics | Professor of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Applied Mathematics & Computer Science, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Saudi Arabia
Frederic Bonou
Ocean forecasting: Climate | Lecturer and Researcher, National University of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, Benin
Hassan Moustahfid
Ocean forecasting: Climate | Senior Scientist, National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Kelly Ortega Cisneros
Ocean forecasting: Climate | Researcher, University of Cape Town
Marjolaine Krug
Digital ocean | Senior scientific advisor, Department of Forestry, Fisheries and the Environment, South Africa
Moagabo Ragoasha
Capacity building | Lecturer, University of Cape Town
Nicole du Plessis
Policy and legal aspects at the region | Project Officer at South African Environmental Observation Network

Kick off meeting


Kick off meeting
