UN Decade news | Mon, 07/22/2024 - 12:00

NASA Selects the 2024-2028 Sea Level Change Science Team

NASA recently selected the 2024-2028 Sea Level Change Science Team (N-SLCT), a multi-disciplinary team of leading experts in the fields of ocean physics, geodesy, cryospheric science, hydrology, modeling, statistics, and science communication, to synthesize extensive sea level observations and knowledge into timely, accurate, open, and actionable sea level projections and information that can help coastal communities prepare for the impacts of rising seas.  


Since its inception in 2014, N-SLCT has conducted integrated sea level science that spans traditional Earth Science disciplinary boundaries. NASA will maintain continuity and enhancement of N-SLCT via the newly selected and re-selected scientists who will work in close coordination with the N-SLCT Practitioner Consultation Board to amplify the cross-benefit of science advancements to sea level rise adaptation. The team will seek to deepen our understanding of the Earth system interactions that influence relative sea level change across the globe, with emphasis on physical processes that are poorly understood or not currently included in the consensus climate knowledge. As a fundamental component of their work together, the team will deliver improved estimates of future sea level effects that span a range of temporal and spatial scales, ultimately contributing to the basic-science foundations that underpin sea level and coastal resilience decision-making. 

