

4 search results.

Decade actions

Welcome to the forum related to CoastPredict UN Ocean Decade Actions. This category focuses on the cutting-edge advancements and initiatives in coastal prediction and management.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Tools, standards, and best practices

Is there any experience on the new ARCO data format ? I'm used to use netCDF, but maybe the time has come to move to other technologies.

Tony Jolibois
CMEMS Front end tools manager

2 answers
Tools, standards, and best practices

Welcome to the Tools, Standards, and Best Practices section! Here, we explore the essential tools, software, methodologies, and industry standards that underpin effective ocean forecasting.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers
Regional Forums

Welcome to our Section for the South and Central America Regional Team! These dedicated spaces are designed to address the unique challenges and opportunities faced by different ocean regions worldwide.

Jawhara ZENTI
communication officer

0 answers